Naxi ancient music ensemble introduction
Baishaxi music ensemble consisted of farmers interested in music. They usually stayed home farming and only played Bai Sha Xi music at funerals. There was no uniformed costumes, and the size of the ensemble ranged from 4 to 10 people.
Dong Jing's music ensemble was more "prestigious". Only government officials, literati, and rich musicians could join the ensemble. Dong Jing music ensemble had different roles, including president, ShanZhang(the conductor), vice ShanZhang, etc.
Video editor/ interviewer| Ziyue Yang
Musician| Zemin Yang
2020 June
Percussion Instrument
Shimian Yunluo

Shimian Yunluo (lit.ten pitch Gong) can also called as nine pitch gong (because the top gong is not frequently being used). The earliest historical record of this instrument is in The History of Yuan Dynasty: Ritual and Music: "Shimian Yunluo is made of copper. It has 10 small gongs, placed on the same wooden framework. Musician uses left hand to hold the instrument and strikes the gong using the mallet in the right hand."
Ten- pitch Gong
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble
However, in Lijiang, Shimian Yunluo has ten gongs instead, and the pitches are G, A, C, D, E, and F#, which is from Ya heptatonic scale(七声雅乐音阶) in Ancient China music. However, in Naxi ancient music, particularly Dongjing music, F# is played instead of F as in the original Ya heptatonic scale.
Role in ensemble
Shimian Yunluo acts as the "conductor" in an ensemble. The musicians who play the Shimian Yunluo are usually Shan Zhang, who can memorize both the scripture and the music. Shan Zhang controls the tempo of the ensemble. Besides, Shan Zhang is also responsible of ringing the Fa bell as the piece move from Sanban (the temporary disregarding of strict tempo to allow an expressive quickening or slackening, usually without altering the overall pace) to ZhengBan where the tempo is no longer being disregarded.
The other musicians in the ensemble listen to the Shimian Yunluo for both the rhythm and the melody, so the position Shan Zhang is vitally important.
Musician| Zemin Yang
2020 June
Note: The instrument is handmade in this video, so it is not perfectly tuned but is off by one semitone.
Fish Knocker

Fishknocker back
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble

Fishknocker profile

Fishknocker front

Ringdrum front
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble

Ringdrum profile

Ringdrum back

Bo front and back
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble
In the Nakhi dialect, "Su" means metal, and "Gudu" means walnut. Together "Sugudu" is an instrument made by metal and walnut. According to legend, Sugudu was brought to LiJiang by Hu Bilie during the Southern Song dynasty. At first, Sugudu was only used for funeral music, baishexi music. Later in the early years of Republic of China, it is slowly played for dongjing music too.
Sugudu is an important coloring instrument for both DongJing and baishaxi music. Musicians usually play glissando on Sugudu.
Video editor/ interviewer| Ziyue Yang
Musician| Zemin Yang
2020 June

Sugudu back

Sugudu profile

Sugudu front
made by Mr. ZhaoLin He
Bent neck Pipa
made by Zhaolin He

Bent neck pipa profile
Bent neck pipa back

Bent neck pipa front

San Xian

San Xian profile
San Xian front
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble
Di Hu

Its neck is made of phyllostachys aurea or wood, the texture is soft, with a dragon head on the top for decoration and snakeskin covered case.

Dihu profile
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble
Dihu back
Zhong Hu
made by Dayan Naxi ancient music ensemble

Zhong Hu profile

Zhong Hu

Zhong Hu front